Jeremy Corbyn has been joined by senior party figures to hammer out the final details of the Labour manifesto.
The leader, his shadow cabinet, trade unions, affiliated organisations and the national policy forum are meeting to confirm the contents of the manifesto in central London.
Corbyn has pledged to deliver “the most radical and exciting plan for real change the British public has ever seen”.
Corbyn arrived at the meeting accompanied by shadow chancellor John McDonnell.
Len McCluskey, leader of Unite the Union, arrived moments later and approached protesters chanting in support of free movement at the entrance.
McCluskey shouted over them:
I’m going to support free movement and I support migrant workers.
Shadow home secretary Diane Abbott said “end racism” as she passed the protesters while shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth said:
We need to make sure we’ve got international staff – nurses and doctors who continue to work for the NHS.
Corbyn has previously committed to a “fair immigration process” which could include looking at whether freedom of movement will continue in the event of the UK leaving the EU.
Establishment media is reporting on a party split on immigration. When asked about these reports, a spokesperson for Labour said:
We didn’t provide any guidance for them ahead of the manifesto and won’t be for others.
So far Labour has announced a plan to create a publicly-owned broadband entity to deliver free full-fibre internet to the entire nation, as well as boosts to the minimum wage and the NHS.
Full details of the manifesto are supposed to remain tightly-sealed until the formal unveiling on a date in future.

Meanwhile, Lord Falconer has written to the Metropolitan Police Commissioner and Director of Public Prosecutions calling for a probe into claims the Tories offered peerages to senior Brexit Party figures in a bid to get them to stand aside.
Scotland Yard said it has received two allegations of electoral fraud and malpractice in relation to the 2019 General Election which are currently being assessed.