On 4 March 2025, JD Vance posted an interview with Fox News to his X feed. In doing so, he managed to insult every single member of the UK armed forces who served in Afghanistan and Iraq:
An insult to every single member of the UK armed forces who died or were wounded in Afghanistan and Iraq. https://t.co/5w7oA0OuB4
— John McTernan (@johnmcternan) March 4, 2025
JD Vance: making things worse
On Friday, Volodymyr Zelensky – the Ukrainian President – met with US president Donald Trump to sign an agreement which would give the US access to Ukraine’s reserves of rare minerals.
We all watched the Oval Office in horror, as Trump and JD Vance turned the meeting into a fiery exchange. We were sure it couldn’t get any worse. But JD Vance was clearly not done.
When questioned during an interview about the US guaranteeing security in Ukraine, Vance stated that:
The only guy in town with a strategy, is the President of the United States and everybody needs to follow his lead
He continued:
If you wanna actually ensure that Vladimir Putin does not invade Ukraine again, the very best security guarantee is to give Americans economic upside in the future of Ukraine.
That is a way better security guarantee than 20,000 troops from some random country that hasn’t fought a war in 30 or 40 years
Whether it was a ‘fuck you’ to Keir Starmer’s show of solidarity with Zelensky on his UK visit, and his subsequent meeting with kaing Charles, or just his severe lack of brain cells. It is clear that Vance is way out of his depth.
One thing we know for sure is that the families of UK veterans are the wrong crowd to piss off:
Fuck JD Vance
‘random country that hasn’t fought a war in 30 or 40 years’ https://t.co/31FRC0mF4I pic.twitter.com/u0dzqeNJ3h
— Meowsar 🌟 (@90125Meddle) March 4, 2025
What a vile insult to the immense sacrifices Britain and other NATO allies have made fighting alongside America in Afghanistan, Iraq and other places.
457 British servicemen and women didn’t come home from Afghanistan.
You’re an ungrateful nasty piece of work, @JDVance. https://t.co/QTjxp0MCdI pic.twitter.com/HouPGWlJdp
— Roh Yakobi (@RohYakobi) March 4, 2025
Article 5
Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty (of NATO) states:
The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.
After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, NATO triggered Article 5 for the first, and only time. As a result, NATO forces fought in Afghanistan. This included both UK and US soldiers, alongside special operations forces from Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, and Norway:
Their 9/11 memorial acknowledges their triggering of Article 5 and how NATO came to their aid.
We will not forget this. pic.twitter.com/MISo9n8ddT
— Graham Leggett (@minfrin) March 4, 2025
Since JD Vance first posted the interview, he has claimed:
This is absurdly dishonest.
I don’t even mention the UK or France in the clip, both of whom have fought bravely alongside the US over the last 20 years, and beyond. https://t.co/hrkb5pTV8p
— JD Vance (@JDVance) March 4, 2025
However, X users have rightly pointed out that only two countries have talked about putting men on the ground in Ukraine. Therefore, it is the only logical conclusion:
Of course you didn’t but by the same token only 2 countries had pledged ‘boots on the ground’ at the point you made your comment and therefore there can only be a single conclusion drawn
— dave lawrence 🐟🐟🐠 (@dave43law) March 4, 2025
Donald Trump and JD Vance: scrambling
Once again, it is clear that both Trump and JD Vance are scrambling. Whether it’s for media attention, controversy, or for viral videos like the one posted today – or all three. They do not belong in positions of power and they do not deserve the respect they are begging for from everyone else:
JD Vance describing UK and France as ” random countries ” are words coming out of the same mouth that demands respect for the President. Respect is a two way street. You get it if you earn it. Once you’ve lost it you will struggle to have it restored.
— Between Here and There (@MarkRollas41903) March 4, 2025
The US clearly wants to leverage its support in exchange for exclusive mineral resource rights from Ukraine. Unfortunately for the US though, Trump and Vance showed the rest of the world their true colours.
The US has always extorted and exploited other countries – extracting and colonising along the way.
This is just another example of that – Trump and Vance breaking every political convention in the book and saying the quiet part out loud – their unbending belief in the US’s global supremacy.
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