Calls for ‘cruel’ and ‘antiquated’ Vagrancy Act to be scrapped
It comes six months after Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick said the act should be ‘consigned to history’.
It comes six months after Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick said the act should be ‘consigned to history’.
A rising number of homeless people are being placed into bed and breakfast accommodation, the LGA said.
The June 2017 fire at the west London tower block claimed 72 lives.
Correction: this article was updated 30/06/21 to show that 2 people were arrested, not the previously reported single person. The ...
Campaigners in the north of Wales are calling on Gwynedd County Council to drop plans for nuclear energy. Instead, they ...
On 17 June, Welsh housing campaigners got some political support for their growing movement. Because a Ceredigion County Council meeting ...
Janice Wray told the Grenfell Tower Inquiry she was was not told that the system had effectively been condemned several ...
A debate on a private member’s bill to amend the Constitution to ensure every citizen has the right to housing ...
Hotels in Cornwall are evicting homeless families. The council has told The Canary that it's "not a result" of the ...
On 1 June, the BBC shared a video of swimmers enjoying London's new 'Sky Pool', which is "believed to be ...
In 2020, the Welsh government estimated there would be 24,423 taxable second homes in Wales for the 2020-2021 financial year. ...
As the housing crisis worsens in Wales, campaigners claim it's killing communities. So on 10 July, they're holding a protest ...
More than 100 firefighters tackled a blaze that ripped through a 19-storey London tower block. It's believed to be covered ...
On 28 April, the government voted to pass the Fire Safety Bill with no amendments. This means that leaseholders will continue ...
Cladding action groups are calling for peers to protect leaseholders from footing repair bills as the Fire Safety Bill returns ...
On 24 February, Tory MPs voted against implementing key recommendations from the Grenfell inquiry and protecting leaseholders from the costs ...
The government declined to vote on a motion that aimed to help people living in buildings with unsafe cladding that ...
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