Brexit shows the nation is deeply divided, and the truth no longer matters
As the result of the EU referendum slowly sinks in, many in Labour will be asking - why did so ...
As the result of the EU referendum slowly sinks in, many in Labour will be asking - why did so ...
Nigel Farage has jumped off an economic cliff screaming "Independence Day!!!", and he's taking us all down with him. While ...
So the UK has voted. And voted to leave. Not by a huge mandate, but a mandate nevertheless. There are ...
An oscar-winning documentary filmmaker has lain down a dramatic challenge to the gushing patriotic narrative emerging from the Brexit debate. ...
Cancer deaths have increased in countries affected by austerity and unemployment according to a new study. However countries with universal ...
TV and film director Ken Loach has a long and dignified record of sticking it to the man, criticising social ...
George Osborne's legacy has hit an all-time low as he falls behind on his own deficit-reduction programme just a month into ...
Dictatorships suck. But if we in Western nations focus on the barbaric actions of regimes abroad, we often take focus ...
Disability activists have hired a leading human rights lawyer - Aamer Anwar - to represent them in their legal battle against ...
A report into how to make the NHS workforce more productive has caused controversy, after its recommendations included having non-registered ...
As the Queen celebrates her 90th birthday nearly 1 million over-75's are living below the poverty line in the UK, ...
David Cameron has once again shown how out of touch he is with the reality of life for the majority ...
Iain Duncan Smith and Chris Grayling are facing a possible criminal investigation by police in Scotland, after disability activists accused them ...
In a week that has seen the government lurch from self-induced crisis to self-induced crisis (with Mr Hunt and Ms Morgan being ...
A new online game by Mothers Best Child allows you to whack your favourite tax avoider with the hammer of ...
The government’s much-trumpeted commitment to spend at least 2% of GDP on defence is only being met by counting areas ...
On BBC Question Time this week, the room erupted in applause as an audience member offered his simple solution to ...
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